Manifold Cut Info/Part # Guide
Cut Program
We will cut any of the stock 72”, 3” on center ( up to 2” headers) product in the following section. These sizes can be cut with no surcharges.
Cut manifold pricing is based off the following formula:
Full stick price ÷ Outlets of full stick x number of desired outlets = cut price
Any manifolds with more than 12 outlets may be coupled.
Any manifold less than a full stick is considered special order and cannot be returned.
Box Price Program
Purchase one full box of any size and receive box lot pricing on the remainder of your order. This is per order basis. Cut pieces excluded.
Buy a box of (5) CC1005024 at box lot price, you can buy (1) stick of CX1507524V at box lot price as well even though that item comes in a box of (2).
Understanding Our Part Numbers

The first letters distinguish how the manifold is terminated.
• CC= Sweat Header x Sweat Drop
• CX= Sweat Header x 1/2” Pex Crimp
• PMR= Pex Manifold Return
• PMS= Pex Manifold Supply
• WSD= Sweat Header x 3/4” Pex Crimp
• CMA= Sweat Header x Compression Adaptor
• CMV= Sweat Header x Compression Valve
• EV= Sweat Header x F2080 Valve
• EA= Sweat Header x F2080 Adaptor
• PRPXV=Sweat Header x F1960 Valve
• PRPXA= Sweat Header x F1960 Adaptor
• CMR= Compression Manifold Return
• CMS= Compression Manifold Supply
The numbers determine copper and tubing sizes
• First 3 numbers are the header size. • Next 2 numbers are the tubing size (if applicable)
• The last 2 are the number of drops on the manifold
Any letters after the numbers will determine tubing style or fitting style
(if applicable)
• PEX= Pex tubing
• PAP= PEX-AL-PEX tubing
For complete details and pricing,
click the PDF icon below.